Adolfo Tartaglia (born on July 27, 1947)is an Argentine plastic artist. Born in San Justo, Santa Fe Province.
His professional art career began in his childhood.
He currently works in Martínez, Province of Buenos Aires.
He studied with Victor Chab, Anna Rank and attended Juan Doffo’s workshop.
March 2007 His painting ”Marina” was selected in a nation wide context to represent Argentina in a Collective Art Exhibition Libertad 2007 on the A.R.A Frigate on the trip FREEDOM around the world.
2007 participated in Professor Anna Rank’s art Seminar in New York, Manhattan, Brooklyn and Filadelfia.
He has sold paintings to private collectors in Argentina, Italy, France, the United States, Morocco and Senegal.
Two of his works are in the permanent collection of the Casino of Mar del Plata, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina as well as others in Santa Teresita de Martínez School – Province of Buenos Aires, the Felix de Amador Lujan Museum, and the David Goldman Museum in Moises Ville, Santa Fé.
Lyrical abstraction is a tendency within abstract painting that developed from 1910 that is usually taken as a reference to mark the beginning of abstract painting. The theme developed by painters of lyrical abstraction is the expression of the artist’s pictorial emotion, individual and immediate. They refuse to represent reality objectively. The color prevails over the form being the different shades of colors a way of representing each emotion that will pass through the mind of the artist. The key to lyrical abstraction is that simply by painting the work freely, it can convey the emotion of the artist in a way that can be understood and shared by the public.
Artists have in common the aesthetics of their proposal: strong and pure colors,dynamism, geometry in fusion with chaos and intense emotions.
He has gone through different styles and ways of working his painting, “Automatism” is what has been and remains a constant in his work where he shows his desire to express something emotional, subjective and passionate, doing it in a poetic and abstract way. His style in abstract expressionism until it flows into its prized landscapes
that refer to an inner universe. He starts drawing lines and
sketches automatically, and then he works from his emotions and feelings, which he transmits very strongly in his work.
You can find more information and part of his work on his website:

Exposiciones Nacionales:

2019 Honorable Deliberative Council of Vicente López, Buenos Aires.
2019 Honorable Deliberative Council of San Isidro, Buenos Aires
2018 Salta House, Buenos Aires.
2015 Santa Fe House, Buenos Aires.
2014 San Isidro Law School, Pcia de Buenos Aires.
2013 Bodegas Maza Exhibition at Buenos Aires Design
2013 the great Lodge of FreeMasons.
2012 Museum Night, in the Masonic Lodge, Buenos Aires.
2011 Boyle Hnos Building, Venado Tuerto, Santa Fe.
2010 Casilda’s Museum, Santa Fe.
2009 House of Culture in San Justo, Santa Fe.
2008 Exhibition at the David Goldman Museum in Moises Ville, Santa Fé.
Feliz Amador Museum in Lujan, Buenos Aires
XVII Guillermo Pagani Tango Painting Salon
Clasic Art Exhibit at Galeria Catalogo
Medical Circle de Vicente Lopez
Catalogo Galery Martinez
Fragata Sarmiento Museum
SAAP – Salon de Apertura 2008
2007 Entre Todos Circulo Medico de Vicente Lopez
Concejo Deliberante de Vicente Lopez
Art Duo First Exhibit y Art Fair in the Open Sky in Pilar.
Art in Freedom in Puerto Madero, Capital Federal
Buenos Aires Stock Exchange, Capital Federal
Visual Artists Hall in Vicente López, Prov. Bs. As.
2006 Anna Rank. Arte al Día, Gallery Nights
XXXIII San Isidro Plastic Artists Hall, Bs. As.Province.
“San Isidro 300 años” Plastic Artists Hall in Beccar- Bs. As.
13 Paint Hall, Vicente López Medical Circle- Bs. As. Province.
2005 EXPOTRASTIENDAS – art dealer: Marta Alvarez Molindi
Goethe Schule in San Isidro, Prov. Bs. As.
Pueyrredón Museum, San Isidro, Prov. Bs. As.
German Evangelical Congregation in Martínez, Prov. Bs. As.
2004 Manzana de las Luces, Bs. As. City.
En Tren de Arte – Estación Retiro, Bs. As. City.
2003 DIABAID Institute, Bs. As., City.
Solidarity Art, Colegio de la Reconquista in Tigre, Prov. Bs. As.
1992 XIII Painting Hall, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes Bs. As.Prov.
Light Hall, Fundación de la Visión
1991 La Fontana Gallery in Martínez , Prov. Bs. As.
Cultural Center Hugo del Carril
Estímulo de Bellas Artes Gallery, Edna Mauro Workshop.
1990 La Fontana Gallery, Martínez – Prov. Bs. As.
Art Hall, Colegio de la Reconquista in Tigre, Prov. Bs. As.
1987 Autumn Hall in San Fernando, Prov. Bs As
1985 School of Social Psychology “Pichon Rivière”, Prov. Bs. As.

Exposiciones Internacionales:
2007 Collective Exhibition Libertad Art 2007 on the A.R.A
Frigate on the trip FREEDOM around the world.
1990 Bienal de Dakar – África
Argentine Embassy in Senegal – África
Senegal Art Gallery – África

Exposiciones Individuales:
2008 Visual Artists Associationde Vicente López
Bellas Artes Museum In Lujan
Catalogo Gallery, Martinez
2006 El CirKo, Música & Artes School in Pilar, Prov. Bs. As.
2005 Pro-Eco-Nor in San Isidro, Prov. Bs. As.
2000 Círculo Médico de Vicente López – Prov. Bs. As.
1993 Casa Paraguaya – Buenos Aires – Prov. Bs. As.
1992 Sala de los Espejos – Auditorium Theatre in Mar del Plata,
Prov. Bs. As.
1991 Mar del Plata Nacional Casino, Prov. Bs. As.
La Fontana Gallery in Martínez – Prov. Bs. As.

2010 1st.Prize at Colegio de Martilleros in San Isidro
1991 2nd Mention – Museo Municipal de Bellas Artes de Luján
Special Distinction at Instituto Municipal de Previsión Social
3rd Prize – Arte Las Golondrinas Hall.
2nd Prize- Mundo Sin Fronteras Association.

2008 Museum Marine Art Exhibition at Ship Museo Fragata Sarmiento
SAAP – Opening Room 2008
Feliz Amador Museum in Lujan
XVII Pintura de Tango Guillermo Pagani Hall.
2007 Buenos Aires Stock Echange
Plastic Art Hall in San Isidro, Prov. Bs. As.
“San Isidro 300 años” Plastic Arts Hall in Beccar, Prov. Bs. As.
Autumn Hall of San Fernando, Prov. Bs. As.

Notas Periodisticas:

2016 We are North – News article for “Tijera y Pincel”.
2014 Cronica Television – Juan Ramon Corazon Programme.
2012 Canal METRO , Elena Fortabat Programme.
2011 FM Simphony 91.3 – Programa “168 Horas”